A Question About Doncaster Area Pay Check Designs.
A typical group of machine stamped N.C.B. Doncaster Area Checks from Brodsworth Main.
Most collectors will be familiar with the standard incusely (machine) stamped brass checks used in the N.C.B.'s Doncaster Area. These were used at pits such as Bentley, Yorkshire Main, Hatfield Main, Markham Main, Rossington, Brodsworth Main, Askern, Frickley, Goldthorpe, Hickleton Main and Highgate.
A N.C.B. Hatfield Colliery Pay Check.
The very distinctive shaped checks with the "pointy" top, which are referred to by many collectors as "house shaped" were used as pay checks and examples even exist that were issued by the Doncaster Area Central Workshops. However, it is my understanding from conversations with a couple of ex-Doncaster Area miners that prior (or maybe even post) the introduction of the "House shaped" pay checks that a large diamond shaped check was used at many of the pits in their area to serve the same function (see the example shown above, top left for Brodsworth). Can anyone confirm this for me and if so suggest a date when the "house shaped" pay checks were introduced in favour of the large diamond shaped ones (or visa versa if this be the case). Also which Doncaster Area pits do you know such large diamond shaped checks to originate from? I can think of a several that I have seen, these include examples from Brodsworth, Yorkshire Main, Hatfield Main, Askern and Markham Main.