NMMA Membership Enrolment Form.
Dear Sir/Madam
Thank you for expressing an interest in our organisation. Our group was founded in 1996 from people with a common interest in collecting coal mining checks or tallies for pleasure and not profit.
These founding members had known each other for many years, communicating and exchanging items by post. The association has grown and attracted members with a wide range of interests, from mining history to pit pony harnesses.
Membership currently stands at around 90 to 100 people. The majority of members have worked in the industry or have a strong interest in mining history. Regular meetings are held throughout the year at various venues with mining connections around the country. These are informal, with a chance for swapping and selling items followed by a talk or slide show. We publish a newsletter, roughly quarterly, giving details of meetings and articles sent in by the members plus book revues and for sale/wanted ads.
Membership of the NMMA runs from the 31st March to April 30th and stands at £ 10 for the first year, which includes a membership badge, and then £5 a year thereafter.
Aims and Objectives of the NMMA;
Please enrol me as a member of the National Mining Memorabilia Association.
Name Phone number ...............................
Address .....................
Post code Interests .................................
(Send Completed forms to the Mr. J. Winter. c/o Northcliffe Cottage, Newton Road, Newton Solney, Burton-on-Trent, DE15 0TG)